I honestly don’t recall exactly when my weight loss journey started just because I have always been fluctuating with my weight. I believe it was sometime around 2016 when I decided to be more health-conscious and make changes to my life after my grandpa passed away from heart failure due to many health conditions and a poor diet. Over the last 4 years, I have always been on and off with committing to working out and eating clean. I do enjoy my favourite foods when I please but I ensure to balance it all out.

I believe we should enjoy everything in moderation, even if it might be bad for you. In the last few years, I have lost over 45 lbs – yeah, I was heavy AF and I hate my friends and family for letting me get that way. Just kidding, that was all on me. I just enjoyed going out and drinking way too much. I have no regrets, but all that partying was quite intense but boy, was it fun! I still have more fitness goals I am trying to reach and I do eat quite clean. I realized all that partying and all those liquid calories was ruining my body and my health was declining.

I did the Keto diet when I first moved to Calgary for a few months. I lost a total of 22-24 lbs when I did Keto and I was able to keep it off, surprisingly! I also did intermittent fasting where I only ate from 12-8 PM while I did keto. It was much easier to do because I was living with my cousin Nakita and her fiancé Aleks at this time, both who are extremely fit and an extremely good looking couple lol. They always supported all my goals and pushed me to work out and do what I needed to do to reach my goals – beyond grateful for these two as they were a huge inspiration! Even when Aleks and I would get baked and munch out, we always committed to eating clean and working out as much as possible – this guy worked out pretty much every day and made fun of Nakita and I whenever we did miss a workout LOL – good motivation though, it worked!

A lot of people who have done keto have told me that they gained the weight back almost right after but everyone’s body is different. I have done the Keto diet multiple times and I do enjoy it because I love cheese, seafood and nuts haha. I’m not a big fan of red meat but I do enjoy my lamb once in a while – Fijians, we love our lamb lol. Keto is easy if you’re always on the go, enjoy consuming meat and can commit to not eating carbs.

Currently, I go to F45 which is like cross-fit. It’s 45 minutes of HIIT workouts and it really, really makes you sweat your ass off and want to die at the same time lol. I enjoy it because the feeling after is so amazing – you feel proud of yourself and it is so rewarding. I highly recommend anyone to try this gym out! The trainers are so supportive and you will see results! This gym started in Australia and is a worldwide gym – Mark Wahlberg is also a part-owner and he does it almost every day! It is pricy, but it is worth it. It prevents me from eating out and makes me go because I am spending a fortune on it – about $230.00 a month.

The weight loss journey gets easier as you get older, in my opinion. Only because I don’t have a desire to go out partying every weekend anymore and put so much bad food into my body when I’m drunk or bored. I rather take care of my health and put that money towards organic, grass-fed and clean food for example. I spend most of my time focusing on growing myself such as expanding this cooking business I started and reaching all my goals. I spend a lot of time talking to my family, almost every day. We are very close and my best friends as well.

I owe my accomplishment of losing those 45 lbs to my motivators and inspiration – my family and my best friends, you know who you are. Thank you to my cousin Danielle for teaching me so much about working out and forcing me to go to the gym with her. Michelle – you have supported, motivated and pushed me from day one and I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate this!

I am always willing to offer advice, tips and what worked for me while doing Keto and trying to eat clean. My biggest advice I can give is to put your money towards what you put into your body. Ensure it is the highest quality of ingredients because it is your life. Sure, you can enjoy that cheeseburger from McDonald’s once in a while if you want but everything in moderation will help fuel your happiness and health! Just go work your ass off at the gym after you indulge in that Big Mac meal lol. Health is wealth baby!

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