Delivery is the same day we prep your orders, so they are fresh!

We deliver in between the hours of 7:00 PM – 11:30 PM on Mondays after we finish your fresh prep. The delivery is done by myself, a colleague and sometimes my parents. The day of prep may change and we will always post the dates in our order form, the menu and on our socials including this website. We may do your delivery on Tuesday AM instead if we cannot make it to your place in time on Monday night as we have multiple deliveries to do in one night but we will confirm this with you.

We text you 20-30 minutes prior to dropping off your food. Once we leave your food at your door, we will text you again to let you know. If you live in an apartment, we will give you a 10 mins heads up and then 5 minutes heads up so you can come downstairs to retrieve your meals.

We would love to greet you at your door but in order to stay on schedule for all the deliveries, we can only simply drop your order to your door or meet at your lobby entrance if it is an apartment building.

Please ensure someone is available to take the meals from your door after we drop them off. If no one is available, you can leave a cooler/thermal bag outside your door for us to place the meals in. Otherwise, pickup would be the best option or you can text us to see if we can accommodate a different date of delivery.

Please do not request a specific time for drop off as we are doing multiple deliveries and follow a mapped delivery route. We can only give an approx of when the meals will be delivered to you in your area.

Delivery fees are based on distance. Click here to view rates.

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