These sweet and tangy samosas will have you and your guests craving for more, line mine were.
Cook your ground beef first. Saute the garlic, onions and cumin seeds until you get a golden color and they are fragrant. Add in the ground beef and cook on medium heat. Cook for a few minutes and then add in the seasonings and sauces. Mix well and add in the frozen peas. Cook for a few more minutes until the beef is fully cooked. Add in your green onions and allow the beef to cool down before filling the wrappers up.
You want to ensure your wrappers are in a small square shape. Put a teaspoon full into the middle of the wrapper. I added shredded cheese to my samosas and then folded the wrappers. Fry in some vegetable or canola oil on medium low heat. You can also bake them for 350 degrees for 15 minutes, flipping halfway. Enjoy!
PS for the sauces, I just mix some salt, pepper, sriracha and green onions into some sour cream and use that as the dip. Feel free to use whatever you like!
0 servings